ACADEmy In-Person EMT Application

ACADemy In-Class EMT Enrollment Application
Men’s and Women’s sizes are available, please make sure to indicate if you want men’s or women’s sizing.
If yes, please attach a separate page giving a brief description of the incident. Include dates and penalties assessed.


Required Enrollment Documents

Maximum file size: 20.97MB

Maximum file size: 20.97MB

Maximum file size: 20.97MB

Acceptable documents include: high school diploma, high school transcripts, college transcripts (MUST have high school name and graduation year on them), GED certificate. We cannot accept college diplomas or college transcripts that do not have the high school name and graduation year listed

Maximum file size: 20.97MB

Please go to to complete your online payment and pay in full or make the initial 3 part payment. Please Save your receipt and attach it here for proof of payment.

I understand that falsifying any records pertinent to this application can lead to ineligibility or immediate dismissal from the program. My signature below attests that the information contained on this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that I will have access to a digital copy of the textbook, but will not receive a “physical” text. If I would like to purchase one I can use the below link to do so:
I certify that the PRINTED NAME below is my ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE.